青森県立郷土館 研究紀要 第46号






1 青森県中南津軽地域のコケ植物調査(4) [1,917KB] 太田正文
【OTA Masafumi】 Bryophytes Research of Southern Tsugaru District in Aomori Prefecture, Northern Japan (4)

2 山内博尚コレクション蛾類目録(2) [2,931KB] 片山卓思・太田正文
【KATAYAMA Takashi and OTA Masafumi】 List of Moths in the Yamauchi Hironao Collection at the Aomori Prefectural Museum (2)

3 青森製氷株式会社の製氷工場に使われている石材(追補2) [3,095KB] 島口 天
【SHIMAGUCHI Takashi】Building Stones Used at the Ice Plant of Aomori Seihyo Co., Ltd (Supplement 2)

4 【資料紹介】縄文時代晩期の土偶、青森市浪岡地区採集資料 [1,985KB] 杉野森淳子
【SUGINOMORI Junko】Introduction of Dogu in the period final stage and Collection in Namioka area, Aomori-city

5 缶詰の委託加工と贈答慣行 -青森県・秋田県の事例から- [3,624KB] 増田公寧
【MASUTA Kimiyasu】Outsourced Manufacturing of Canned Products and Gift-giving Customs in Aomori and Akita Prefecture, Northern Japan

6 青森県における清涼飲料水の製造と普及(2) [4,098KB] 増田公寧
【MASUTA Kimiyasu】Development of Carbonated Drink Producing Business and Popularization of Carbonated Drinks in Aomori Prefecture, Northern Japan (2)

7 【資料紹介】鈴木正治の絵画作品(ウゴカズ・誕生) [1,733KB] 中村理香
【NAKAMURA Rika】Items of Interest :Ugokazu (depiction of Fudo Myo-o) & Tanjo (depiction of the Brith of Buddha), Paintings By Masaharu Suzuki

8 オンライン会議システムを活用した博物館事業の試み [3,225KB] 神 康夫・小山隆秀・中沢秀一
【JIN Yasuo, OYAMA Takahide and NAKASAWA Syuichi】Using a Web Conference System to Explore the Potential of Digital Museum Outreach Program

9 恐山史料の再発見 [8,280KB] 佐藤良宣・小山隆秀
【SATO Yoshinobu・OYAMA Takahide】 Re-discovery of documentary records of Osore-zan Mountain

10 【新収蔵資料紹介】「奥州通道中記」 [1,882KB] 太田原慶子・佐藤良宣・滝本 敦・本田 伸
【OTAHARA Keiko, SATO Yoshinobu, TAKIMOTO Atsushi and HONDA Shin】Our New Document :"Oshu-Dori Dochuki" -The Hirosaki-Tsugaru clan's Travel Memorandum for the Mandatory Alternate Residence
